JSON:API On Rails (Part 1 of 2)

August 5, 2019

As promised, this week we are going to build a JSON API with Ruby on Rails. Before we get started though let’s make sure everyone is setup and knows what we are building. First the tech requirements:

  • Ruby 2.6.3
  • Rails 6.0.0.rc2
  • PostgreSQL
  • Insomnia (for local API requests on OSX)

What We Are Building

We are going to build a light rewrite of the Basecamp 3 API in our lovely new JSON:API format. For the sake of time and simplicity we will be skipping the authentication workflow and instead will dive right into creating our data graph.

We will be referencing the guides and docs from Graphiti to build our project. In addition we are going to try to build this thing following BDD principles with RSpec.

Create The New Application

To create a new Rails API we are going to use the Graphiti template to generate the new project. We are going to call this app “Less Projects”. In the command below you will notice the -T flag which tells Rails to skip Test::Unit. Since we are using RSpec there is no need for the second testing library.

# Generate the project
rails new less_projects -d postgresql -T --api -m https://www.graphiti.dev/template

# Press enter when prompted to change Graphiti's defaults
# This will generate our routes under `/api/v1`

# Switch to the app directory
cd less_projects

# create the database
rails db:create


Projects will serve as our top level object. They are a container for all other resources.

Creating Projects

Graphiti and Rails provides us with some wonderful “generators” to get started.

# first generate the model
rails g model project name:string description:text purpose:string status:string

# migrate the database (this adds the projects table with our fields to the DB)
rails db:migrate

# Finally, generate our first Graphiti resource
rails g graphiti:resource Project name:string description:string purpose:string status:string

Let’s step through these generated files quick. Graphiti just handled a lot of boilerplate for us. If you look at the ProjectsController (app/controllers/projects_controller.rb) you will see that all 5 of the basic CRUD actions are covered. You might also notice references to ProjectResource. This might be a little unfamiliar. It’s a construct that Graphiti introduces to perform most of the API behaviors. It handles fetching, mutating, filtering, pagination, and all kinds of useful things.

class ProjectResource < ApplicationResource
  attribute :name, :string
  attribute :description, :string
  attribute :purpose, :string
  attribute :status, :string

Next let’s take a look at the ProjectResource. Again these can do a lot of things, but let’s start with our bare bones. One of the key things a resource does is that it serializes (transforms) the Project model instances into JSON:API compliant JSON objects. In order to do that you must define what fields or “attributes” you want serialized. For our purposes these defaults (above) will work just fine.

Before we move into the tests let’s put them in a more typical hierarchy. RSpec has a fairly default folder hierarchy and moving our project into that will match more of what you will see out there in the wild. In this case it clearly marks our api specs as “request specs”.

mkdir spec/requests
mv spec/api/ spec/requests/api

Listing Projects

The test we will start with is listing projects. We can see that Graphiti was very helpful and wrote our first test for us. That’s pretty sweet! There are a few small things hidden from us. The first is jsonapi_get. This method is included by the Graphiti spec helper gem. It abstracts away some of the implementation details of the JSON:API spec, chiefly headers, to remove some test boilerplate and make tests easier to write.

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "projects#index", type: :request do
  let(:params) { {} }

  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_get "/api/v1/projects", params: params

  describe 'basic fetch' do
    let!(:project1) { create(:project) }
    let!(:project2) { create(:project) }

    it 'works' do
      expect(ProjectResource).to receive(:all).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200), response.body
      expect(d.map(&:jsonapi_type).uniq).to match_array(['projects'])
      expect(d.map(&:id)).to match_array([project1.id, project2.id])

The other thing it abstracts is the parsed response from the request. It’s hidden away in the d variable. This isn’t exactly named well so let’s use a different method that Graphiti supports and reads a little easier: “jsonapi_data”.

# spec/requests/api/v1/projects/index_spec.rb

# old code
# expect(d.map(&:jsonapi_type).uniq).to match_array(['projects'])
# expect(d.map(&:id)).to match_array([project1.id, project2.id])

# new code
expect(jsonapi_data.map(&:jsonapi_type).uniq).to match_array(['projects'])
expect(jsonapi_data.map(&:id)).to match_array([project1.id, project2.id])

Alright, now let’s run our test and see if things work.

rspec spec/requests/api/v1/projects/index_spec.rb

# output
Finished in 0.22877 seconds (files took 2.76 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Woot! Our test already passes. Let’s take a moment to boot up the Insomnia app and take a look at our payloads. All we need to do is a little bit of setup first and start our server.

First let’s modify our default factory so that we can identify projects a little easier.

# spec/factories/projects.rb

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :project do
    sequence(:name) { |n| "Project #{n}" }
    description { "Something cool" }
    purpose { "To organize the project" }
    status { "active" }

Next we setup some data for our API.

# boot up rails console
rails console

# once in console, seed a few projects
FactoryBot.create_list(:project, 3)

# exit out of console

# and finally start our server
rails s

The server should now be running at http://localhost:3000. We can at last jump into Insomnia and see what our API returns for our first endpoint.

Step 1: Create a new Request

new request

Step 2: Setup the default headers and Url

JSON:API Spec and Graphiti requires us to specify the format of the data for the server (Content-Type) and the format of data we expect to be returned (Accept). Both values will be application/vnd.api+json.

default headers

Step 3: Click “Send” and win!

Here is our data. You will notice there are 2 top level fields: “data” and “meta”. Data is where all of our primary data will be contained. The “meta” object is for more miscallenous types of data such as counts of records, pagination, etc. You might also notice that each “attributes” object has all of the fields we specified in our ProjectResource class. Not to shabby.

projects response json

Fetching Single Projects

The next thing we want to make sure our clients can do is look up single projects. Again, like good devs let’s start with the test.

# spec/requests/api/v1/projects/show_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "projects#show", type: :request do
  let(:params) { {} }

  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_get "/api/v1/projects/#{project.id}", params: params

  describe 'basic fetch' do
    let!(:project) { create(:project) }

    it 'works' do
      expect(ProjectResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)
      expect(jsonapi_data.jsonapi_type).to eq('projects')
      expect(jsonapi_data.id).to eq(project.id)

And now we run the test.

rspec spec/requests/api/v1/projects/show_spec.rb

# output
Finished in 0.1661 seconds (files took 2 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Just like before we find out our work was done for us and the tests pass. And just like before let’s go into Insomnia and add our request.

Pro Tip: Right click the previous request and click duplicate to start with a request with the required headers.

fetch a project

Creating Projects

Now that we have fetching of projects in place, let’s learn how to create new ones in our API. Like before, we will start with the test.

# spec/requests/v1/api/projects/create_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "projects#create", type: :request do
  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_post "/api/v1/projects", payload

  describe 'basic create' do
    let(:params) { attributes_for(:project) }

    let(:payload) do
        data: {
          type: 'projects',
          attributes: params

    it 'works' do
      expect(ProjectResource).to receive(:build).and_call_original
      expect { make_request }.to change { Project.count }.by(1)
      expect(response.status).to eq(201)

The are a few key things to point out here:

  • All payloads start with a data hash/object
  • type is required (this is the pluralized name of the object)
  • attributes is where all the non-relationship fields are contained

If you are not familiar with attributes_for don’t worry. This is just a convenient way to extract random attributes for a given factory. Let’s check this out in Insomnia so we can see a real world example.

Step 1: Create the request

Again we need to duplicate and rename the previous request. Also, let’s make sure to switch from a GET request to a POST request. When creating new resources over the API, the POST method is what the JSON:API spec requires.

create new request

Step 2: Create the POST body and Change the URL

We should make sure to change the url to reference /api/v1/projects. Think of this as the “root” url for projects. Making a GET request to this endpoint fetches projects and making a POST request creates them. Also make sure to change the request content to “JSON”.

You will also notice that much like our responses from the previous requests we are making use of the data field as the root element and passing our desired traits through the attributes hash. This is a pattern we will continue to re-use.

update request data

Step 3: Click “Send” and win!

create project response

Boom, just like that we have our new project. But what if we add some validations to projects and our request is invalid? Great question! Let’s make some quick alterations and see what happens. We start by writing a failing test.

# spec/models/project_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe Project, type: :model do
  describe 'validations' do
    let(:project) { described_class.new }

    it 'requires a name' do
      expect(project).not_to be_valid
      expect(project.errors["name"]).to include("can't be blank")

And then we write the code to make the tests pass.

# app/models/project.rb

class Project < ApplicationRecord
  validates :name, presence: true

If we did everything properly then our tests should pass.

rspec spec/models/project_spec.rb

# output
Finished in 1.03 seconds (files took 0.84581 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failure

B E A utiful! Our test now passes. Let’s try to create a new project except we won’t give it a name. Since we just added the feature we know this should fail.

Here is what we we see if we try this in Insomnia:

invalid project

From a client standpoint this is pretty nice. We are given a response that tells us what attribute are invalid and why.

Updating a Project

Now that we can create projects, let’s learn how to update existing ones in our API. Like before, we will start with the test.

# spec/requests/v1/api/projects/update_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "projects#update", type: :request do
  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_put "/api/v1/projects/#{project.id}", payload

  describe 'basic update' do
    let!(:project) { create(:project) }

    let(:payload) do
        data: {
          id: project.id.to_s,
          type: 'projects',
          attributes: {
            name: "new name"

    it 'updates the resource' do
      expect(ProjectResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200), response.body
      expect(project.reload.name).to eq("new name")

Just like when we create a project, we pass our json with “data” as the top level attribute. Let’s check this out in Insomnia so we can see a real world example.

This time we will combine all the steps into 1.

update project request

And that’s all it takes to update the project.

Destroying a Project

The last operation that we need to support is destroying a project. Just like in all the other examples…we will start with a test.

# spec/requests/v1/api/projects/destroy_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "projects#destroy", type: :request do
  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_delete "/api/v1/projects/#{project.id}", {}

  describe 'basic destroy' do
    let!(:project) { create(:project) }

    it 'updates the resource' do
      expect(ProjectResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)
      expect { project.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)

If we run our tests, everything passes. That’s great, but what kind of response do we get from this request? Let’s dive back into Insomnia and add another request; just like we have previously.

Destroy project request

The most notable thing in this request is that our response is quite different from the other ones. In this case only meta data is returned.

These 5 actions: list, fetch, update, create, and destroy are the main operations we will perform on each resource. Now let’s move onto some nested resources and see how Graphiti handles them.

TodoLists and TodoItems

Each project can have one or many todo lists. Each of these lists have todo items. Let’s use our generators again to create these resources.

# setup todo_lists
rails g model todo_list project:references name:string

rails db:migrate

rails g graphiti:resource todo_list name:string

# setup todo_list_items
rails g model todo_list_item todo_list:references content:string complete:boolean

rails db:migrate

rails g graphiti:resource todo_list_item content:string complete:boolean

And just like before let’s move our tests under spec/requests.

mv spec/api/v1/todo_lists spec/requests/api/v1
mv spec/api/v1/todo_list_items spec/requests/api/v1

Now let’s alter our models and add the various relationships and default validations.

# app/models/project.rb

class Project < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :todo_lists
  has_many :todo_list_items, through: :todo_lists

  validates :name, presence: true
# app/models/todo_list.rb

class TodoList < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :project
  has_many :todo_list_items

  validates :name, presence: true
# app/models/todo_list_item.rb

class TodoListItem < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :todo_list

  validates :content, presence: true

Next up, let’s alter our resources to add those same relations.

# app/resources/project_resource.rb

class ProjectResource < ApplicationResource
  has_many :todo_lists
  has_many :todo_list_items

  attribute :name, :string
  attribute :description, :string
  attribute :purpose, :string
  attribute :status, :string
# app/resources/todo_list_resource.rb

class TodoListResource < ApplicationResource
  belongs_to :project
  has_many :todo_list_items

  attribute :name, :string
# app/resources/todo_list_item_resource.rb

class TodoListItemResource < ApplicationResource
  belongs_to :todo_list

  attribute :content, :string
  attribute :complete, :boolean

Let’s also make some changes to the new factories so that our tests are a bit more stable and the data a bit more random.

# spec/factories/todo_list_items.rb

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :todo_list_item do
    content { Faker::Lorem.words(number: 5).join('') }
    complete { false }
# spec/factories/todo_lists.rb

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :todo_list do
    sequence(:name) { |n| "#{Faker::Beer.name} #{n}" }

Alright, now that we have all of the foundations in place, let’s move into our new TodoList resource.

Listing TodoLists

In order to give Insomnia some data to display, seed some todo lists.

rails c

# in console
# seeds 3 todo lists for the last project we created
FactoryBot.create_list(:todo_list, 3, project: Project.last)

Then create and execute the new request in Insomnia

list todo lists screenshot

And of course we need to check our test.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_lists#index", type: :request do
  let(:params) { {} }

  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_get "/api/v1/todo_lists", params: params

  describe 'basic fetch' do
    let!(:todo_list1) { create(:todo_list) }
    let!(:todo_list2) { create(:todo_list) }

    it 'works' do
      expect(TodoListResource).to receive(:all).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)
      expect(d.map(&:jsonapi_type).uniq).to match_array(['todo_lists'])
      expect(d.map(&:id)).to match_array([todo_list1.id, todo_list2.id])

If we run our test provided by Graphiti we see green!

Finished in 0.2598 seconds (files took 1.5 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Fetching TodoLists

Like before, let’s create and execute the a new request in Insomnia to fetch a single TodoList.

fetch todo list screenshot

And of course we need to check our test.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_lists#show", type: :request do
  let(:params) { {} }

  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_get "/api/v1/todo_lists/#{todo_list.id}", params: params

  describe 'basic fetch' do
    let!(:todo_list) { create(:todo_list) }

    it 'works' do
      expect(TodoListResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)
      expect(d.jsonapi_type).to eq('todo_lists')
      expect(d.id).to eq(todo_list.id)

If we run our test provided by Graphiti we see green!

Finished in 0.19348 seconds (files took 0.32548 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Creating TodoList

Let’s create and execute the a new request in Insomnia to create a single TodoList.

create todo list screenshot

And of course we need to write/fix our test that was autogenerated by Graphiti.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_lists#create", type: :request do
  let!(:project) { create(:project) }

  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_post "/api/v1/todo_lists", payload

  describe 'basic create' do
    let(:params) { attributes_for(:todo_list) }

    let(:payload) do
        data: {
          type: 'todo_lists',
          attributes: params,
          relationships: {
            project: {
              data: {
                type: 'projects',
                id: project.id

    it 'works' do
      expect(TodoListResource).to receive(:build).and_call_original
      expect { make_request }.to change { TodoList.count }.by(1)
      expect(response.status).to eq(201)

If we run our test provided we see green!

Finished in 0.23687 seconds (files took 0.20839 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Updating TodoLists

Let’s create and execute the a new request in Insomnia to update a TodoList.

update a todo list screenshot

And of course we need to write/fix our test that was autogenerated by Graphiti.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_lists#update", type: :request do
  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_put "/api/v1/todo_lists/#{todo_list.id}", payload

  describe 'basic update' do
    let!(:todo_list) { create(:todo_list) }

    let(:payload) do
        data: {
          id: todo_list.id.to_s,
          type: 'todo_lists',
          attributes: {
            name: "new name"

    it 'updates the resource' do
      expect(TodoListResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)

      expect(todo_list.reload.name).to eq("new name")

If we run our test provided we see green!

Finished in 0.21061 seconds (files took 0.22622 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Destroying TodoLists

Let’s create and execute the a new request in Insomnia to destroy a TodoList.

destroy a todo list screenshot

And of course we need to write/fix our test that was autogenerated by Graphiti.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_lists#destroy", type: :request do
  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_delete "/api/v1/todo_lists/#{todo_list.id}", {}

  describe 'basic destroy' do
    let!(:todo_list) { create(:todo_list) }

    it 'updates the resource' do
      expect(TodoListResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)
      expect { todo_list.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
      expect(json).to eq('meta' => {})

If we run our test provided we see green!

Finished in 0.22919 seconds (files took 0.20982 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Whew that’s two of the three resources covered. Time to rip through the TodoListItem and tease some of the content from part 2 of this article.

Listing TodoListItems

In order to give Insomnia some data to display, seed some todo list items.

rails c

# in console
FactoryBot.create_list(:todo_list_item, 5, todo_list: TodoList.last)

Then create and execute the new request in Insomnia

list todo lists screenshot

And of course we need to check our test.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_list_items#index", type: :request do
  let(:params) { {} }

  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_get "/api/v1/todo_list_items", params: params

  describe 'basic fetch' do
    let!(:todo_list_item1) { create(:todo_list_item) }
    let!(:todo_list_item2) { create(:todo_list_item) }

    it 'works' do
      expect(TodoListItemResource).to receive(:all).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200), response.body
      expect(d.map(&:jsonapi_type).uniq).to match_array(['todo_list_items'])
      expect(d.map(&:id)).to match_array([todo_list_item1.id, todo_list_item2.id])

If we run our test provided by Graphiti we see green!

rspec spec/requests/api/v1/todo_list_items/index_spec.rb

Finished in 0.27564 seconds (files took 0.2522 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Fetching TodoListItems

Like before, let’s create and execute the a new request in Insomnia to fetch a single TodoListItem.

fetch a todo list item screenshot

And of course we need to check our test.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_list_items#show", type: :request do
  let(:params) { {} }

  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_get "/api/v1/todo_list_items/#{todo_list_item.id}", params: params

  describe 'basic fetch' do
    let!(:todo_list_item) { create(:todo_list_item) }

    it 'works' do
      expect(TodoListItemResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)
      expect(d.jsonapi_type).to eq('todo_list_items')
      expect(d.id).to eq(todo_list_item.id)

If we run our test provided by Graphiti we see green!

rspec spec/requests/api/v1/todo_list_items/show_spec.rb

Finished in 0.18498 seconds (files took 0.23766 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Creating TodoListItems

Let’s create and execute the a new request in Insomnia to create a single TodoListItem.

create todo list item screenshot

And of course we need to write/fix our test that was autogenerated by Graphiti.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_list_items#create", type: :request do
  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_post "/api/v1/todo_list_items", payload

  describe 'basic create' do
    let(:params) { attributes_for(:todo_list_item) }
    let!(:todo_list) { create(:todo_list) }

    let(:payload) do
        data: {
          type: 'todo_list_items',
          attributes: params,
          relationships: {
            todo_list: {
              data: {
                type: 'todo_lists',
                id: todo_list.id

    it 'works' do
      expect(TodoListItemResource).to receive(:build).and_call_original
      expect { make_request }.to change { TodoListItem.count }.by(1)
      expect(response.status).to eq(201)

If we run our test provided we see green!

rspec spec/requests/api/v1/todo_list_items/create_spec.rb

Finished in 0.23428 seconds (files took 0.25014 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Updating TodoListItems

Let’s create and execute the a new request in Insomnia to update a TodoListItem.

update a todo list screenshot

And of course we need to write/fix our test that was autogenerated by Graphiti.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_list_items#update", type: :request do
  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_put "/api/v1/todo_list_items/#{todo_list_item.id}", payload

  describe 'basic update' do
    let!(:todo_list_item) { create(:todo_list_item) }

    let(:payload) do
        data: {
          id: todo_list_item.id.to_s,
          type: 'todo_list_items',
          attributes: {
            content: "break the dishes!"

    it 'updates the resource' do
      expect(TodoListItemResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)
      expect(todo_list_item.reload.content).to eq("break the dishes!")

If we run our test provided we see green!

rspec spec/requests/api/v1/todo_list_items/update_spec.rb

Finished in 0.30056 seconds (files took 0.25718 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Destroying TodoListItems

Let’s create and execute the a new request in Insomnia to destroy a TodoListItem.

destroy a todo list item screenshot

And of course we need to write/fix our test that was autogenerated by Graphiti.


require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe "todo_list_items#destroy", type: :request do
  subject(:make_request) do
    jsonapi_delete "/api/v1/todo_list_items/#{todo_list_item.id}", {}

  describe 'basic destroy' do
    let!(:todo_list_item) { create(:todo_list_item) }

    it 'destroys the resource' do
      expect(TodoListItemResource).to receive(:find).and_call_original
      expect { make_request}.to change { TodoListItem.count }.by(-1)
      expect(response.status).to eq(200)
      expect { todo_list_item.reload }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
      expect(json).to eq('meta' => {})

If we run our test provided we see green!

rspec spec/requests/api/v1/todo_list_items/destroy_spec.rb

Finished in 0.38517 seconds (files took 0.56542 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

That covers all of our resources! Thanks for hanging in there with me while we stepped through this together. If you fast-forwarded, scrolled through, or encountered issues you can view the full repo here for Part 1.

I cannot wait to get into part 2 and show you all where JSON:API and Graphiti really shine. I’ll be covering some slightly more advanced topics such as side-posting, side-loading, filtering, sorting, and pagination.


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